The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Stirrup + 6 (Lonberg-Holdm / Macri / Rumback): The Avondale Addition
Stirrup + 6 (Lonberg-Holdm / Macri / Rumback):
The Avondale Addition

(Cuneiform -- USA )

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The Stirrup trio of cellist Fred Lonberg-Holm, Nick Macri (bass), and Charles Rumback (drums) is merged with improvisers from Lonberg-Holm's Lightbox Orchestra project--Keefe Jackson & Mars Williams on reeds, guitarist Peter Maunu, violist Jen Clare Paulson, trumpeter Russ Johnson & Zoots Houston on electronics -for this compelling structured performance at Elastic Arts.

Stirrup (Lonberg-Holm / Macri / Rumback): Cut
Stirrup (Lonberg-Holm / Macri / Rumback):

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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Chicago free improvising mainstay Fred Lonberg-Holm's Stirrup trio with Nick Macri on double bass and Charles Rumback on drums crosses genres and grooves in an album balancing lyrical and hard-grooved tunes, with Lonberg-Holm taking up guitar on a number of tracks.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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